EML5045 Computational Methods for Design and Manufacturing
Course Description
3 Credits – Object oriented programming, theory, algorithms and methodology for geometric and solid modeling, feature-based design, and parametric models. Applications to product design, engineering analysis and manufacturing.
Course Pre-Requisites / Co-Requisites
EML2023 or equivalent.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to teach the fundamentals of computational and software development methods. Advanced programming concepts such as object-oriented programming will be taught using Java, with applications to engineering. The course will expose the students to the geometric modeling fundamentals, including parametric representation of curves and surfaces, differential geometry, solid model representation and feature based modeling. Other computational topics such as numerical methods and computer graphics will also be covered.
The outline of the course is as follows:
- Background
- Introduction
- Interactive Development Environment (IDE)
- Java programming language
- Review of language syntax
- Basic programming structures
- Objects and Classes
- Introduction to object-oriented programming
- Data encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) development
- Graphical programming
- Frames, panels, buttons, and other components
- Graphical application development
- Geometric & Solid Modeling
- Boundary Representation
- Boolean operations
- Differential Geometry
- Analytical Curves
- Bezier and B-spline curves
- Analytical Surfaces
- B-spline surfaces
- Introduction to Computer Graphics
- Applications to design and manufacturing
Recommended Textbooks and Software
Textbook: Java Tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/
- Java Development Kit (JDK) and IntelliJ IDE
- SolidWorks
- Onshape
Reference Materials
- Core Java – Volume I, 10th edition by Cay S. Horstmann Publisher: Prentice Hall.
- Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE, by Kunwoo Lee, Prentice Hall; ISBN-10:
- Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, by David Rogers and Alan Adams,
- Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, Fifth Edition, by Gerald Farin, Morgan Kaufmann publishers.